Leica Noctilux f1.0 v4


6 bit and CLA at Solms, comes with leather case/box/paperwork, focusses perfectly on all my M bodies.
There is a small patch of fungus internally, which has not increased in size since seen. Leica said:

"If you want to get the fungus cleaned up, we would need to send the lens to the factory. Before opening the lens, the factory would send it to a place where the fungus can be neutralised.
They have to do this to avoid contaminating the factory with spores. Unfortunately, this treatment costs about 300 or 400 Euros + VAT before cleaning takes place.
I estimate you could be looking at a bill of perhaps £600 to £800 Euros (plus VAT) for the lens to be cleaned.
This is an estimated sum. The final cost could be more or less than this."

Wanting a quick sale so, £2700 / €3000 / $3250 US + shipping from UK at cost - bank transfer only